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Books I own (183 of 1762)

(Clear Filter = *BS2*)

< redirect books.htm>A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 !@$*
This list is to help organize my books (note: local pdfs' right click - copy link - Ctrl+L Ctrl+V)

Boxes to clean up which don't exist Box01, Box02, Box03, Box08, BS3-0

Title - location - bought from - bought date - author - category - year written - amazon rating

N Ways to .. | Advertising | Brain | Branding |Business | Creativity |Diabetes | Diet | Dogs | Declutter | Desk | Dummies | Excel | Exercise | Finance | Fool | Grammar | Happiness | Head*first | Health |  Hockey | How to | Hypnosis | I Read | Idea | Idiot | Job | Leadership | Magic |Managing | Marketing | Memory | Million | Mindfulness | $ | Nice Layout  | Osteoporosis | Patent | Presentations | Persuasion/Influence |  Negotiation | To Read | Happiness |  Options | Public Speaking | Productivity | retire | Sales | Secret | Publicity | Religion | Security | Self-Help | Survival | Power | Risk | Sales | Science | Small | Stock Market | Statistics | Success | Survival | Testing | Web | Top | Writing
By Author: Scott Adams | Tim Ferriss | Seth Godin | Sam Harris | Daniel Pink | Tony Robbins | Dale Carnegie | Deming | Stefan Molyneux | Jeff Gitomer | Malcolm Gladwell | Doug Hall | Douglas Hofstadter | Guy Kawasaki
By Location: Library | Amazon | BS1 | BS2 | BS3 | Box01 | Box02 | Box03 | Box04 | Box05 | Box06 | Box07 | Box08 | Box-Job-Search | Box-Excel | desk | Kindle | pdf | Local file | Box062520 | Box062520B | Box062620 | Box062720 | Box063020 | Box070420 | Box070520
By Year:  1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s | 2020s
By Rating 3.0 - 3.9 | 4.0 | 4.1 |4.2 | 4.3 |4.4 |4.5 |4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 5.0 | Unrated
Statistics: Box counts | Category Counts | Category %
Reversing Diabetes - BS2-2
Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution - Richard Berstein - BS2-2
Options, Futures & Other Derivatives 4th Ed. - John Hull - BS2-2
2 Day Diabetes Diet - BS2-2
Phrases that sell - BS2-2
Persuasive Presentations - BS2-2 - r4.5 * 98🔝
Writing with a Purpose - BS2-2
Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior🔝 - BS2-4
Thinking Fast Thinking Slow - Daniel Kahneman🔝 - BS2-4🔝 Summary
Thinkertoys - Micheal Michalko - BS2-2
Fail Fast or Win Big - BS2-2
Steal Like an Artist Journal - BS2-2
Testosterone Edge - BS2-2🔝
Body for Life - Bill Phillips - BS2-2
Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn't and Why - BS2-2
Invent it, Sell It, Bank It - Lori Greiner - BS2-2
4-Hour Workweek - Tim Ferriss - BS2-3
Yahoo! Style Guide - BS2-4
Joy of Work - Scott Adams - BS2-3
Behavior Modification: What it is and how to do it - BS2-2
Hiring Smart - BS2-2
MCSE Core Elective Exams in a Nutshell - BS2-2
Python Visual Quickstart Guide - BS2-2
Networking for Dummies BS2-5
Osteoporosis in Men - BS2-4
Short Bike Rides Long Island - BS2-1 (a)
Better Business Writing🔝 - BS2-3
Why Work Sucks - BS2-2
Use your Brain to Change your Age - BS2-2
It's Not What You Say It's How You Say It - BS2-1
How Brain's Think - BS2-2
Meditating Selflessly - BS2-1
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big - Scott Adams - BS2-3 (142) desk
80/20 Principle - BS2-1
Secret Lives of Dogs - BS2-1
Do you talk funny - BS2-1
Mindful Work - BS2-1
Third Chimpanzee - Jared Diamond - BS2-1
101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health - David Riklan - BS2-1
Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harriss - BS2-1
Moral Landscape - Sam Harris - BS2-1
End of Faith - Sam Harris - BS2-1
Islam and the Future of Tolerance - Sam Harris - BS2-1
One Year to an Organized Work Life - BS2-1
Thresholds of the Mind - BS2-1
Focus - Al Reis - BS2-1🔝
Divided Mind - BS2-1
Steal Like an Artist - BS2-1
Focusing - BS2-1 (desk) - Eugene Gendlin
Little Red Book of Selling - Jeff Gitomer - BS2-1
Why We Get Fat - Gary Taubes - BS2-1
100 Tricks to appear Smarter in Meetings - BS2-1
Manage You Day-to-Day: Build your routine, find your focus & sharpen your creative mind - BS2-1🔝 (desk)
101 Best Opening Lines - BS2-1
Don't Worry Make Money - BS2-1
Prime Time Freeware for AI - BS2-1
101 Best Diabetic Foods - BS2-2
Word Power 1 - BS2-2
Word Power 2 - BS2-2
How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling - BS2-2
Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain - BS2-3
Fantastic Voyage - Ray Kurzweil - BS2-3
Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook - Scott Adams - BS2-3
Predictably Irrational - BS2-3
Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss - BS2-3
Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg - BS2-3
Credit Risk Modelling using Excel and VBA - BS2-3
Neuromarketing - BS2-3
Teach Yourself Android Application Development - BS2-3
Anti-Patterns - BS2-3
SQL Server 2000 Weekend Crash Course - BS2-3
Great Idea! Now What - BS2-3
Never be Lied to Again - BS2-3
Brain Power🔝 - BS2-3
Productivity Project - BS2-3 - r4.4 * 300 - 2016
5 Choices - BS2-3
Persuasion: The Art of Influencing People - BS2-3🔝
Business Statistics - BS2-3
Science of Influence: How to Get Anyone to Say "Yes" in 8 minutes or Less - BS2-3 & Box04(summary)🔝 (desk)
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - BS2-3
Ultra-Light Startup - BS2-3
Contagious - Jonah Berger - BS2-3
Return on Influence - BS2-3
22 Immutable Laws of Branding - BS2-4
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing - BS2-4
Hitler's Charisma - BS2-4🔝 (desk)
Complete Guide to Verbal Manipulation - BS2-4
How to Simplify your Life - BS2-4
Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking - BS2-4
How Google Works - BS2-4
Younger You - BS2-4
4-Hour Body - Tim Ferriss - BS2-4
Power of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale - BS2-4
Positive Principle Today - Norman Vincent Peale - BS2-4
Enthusiasm Makes the Difference - Norman Vincent Peale - BS2-4
Teach Yourself Visually Microsoft PowerPoint - BS2-4
Photoshop Elements 5 - BS2-4
Principles of Financial Engineering - BS2-4
Networking for Dummies - BS2-4
Idiot's Guide to Creating a Webpage and Blog - BS2-4
Power of Influence - BS2-4
How to Tell the Story of Your Life - BS2-4
Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets - BS2-5
Subprime Mortgage Credit Derivatives - BS2-5
$100 Startup - BS2-5
From Idea to Success🔝 - BS2-5
Meaningful Marketing - Doug Hall - BS2-5 (desk)
Magic of Thinking Big - BS2-5🔝
Good Calories Bad Calories - Gary Taubes - BS2-5
Jump Start Your Marketing Brain - Doug Hall - BS2-5 (desk)
Zero to One Million - BS2-5
Ca$hvertising - BS2-5
From Fatigued to Fantastic - BS2-5
How to be a Productivity Ninja - BS2-5 -r4.4 * 306
Job Interview Phrase Book - BS2-5
Instant Sales - BS2-5
Instant Cashflow - BS2-5
Counterparty Credit Risk - BS2-5 (desk)🔝
Masters of Success - BS2-5
Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got - BS2-5
How to not be Wrong: The power of mathematical thinking - BS2-5
Bird by Bird - BS2-5
Are you Smart Enough to Work at Google - BS2-5
Off-the-Wall Marketing Ideas - BS2-5
Secrets of Question-Based Selling - BS2-5
Interviewing for Solutions - BS2-5
Jump Start Your Business Brain🔝 - Doug Hall - BS2-5 (desk) & Box063020
Unintended Consequences - BS2-2
Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published, The - BS2-5
US Armed Forces Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Survival Manual - BS2-2
Black Swan - BS2-2
NLP - BS2-1 (desk)
Influentials - BS2-5
Power and Influence: Beyond Formal Authority- BS2-5 (desk) Guide to Web Design - BS2-2
Your Erroneous Zones - Wayne Dyer - BS2-1
9/11 Report - BS2-1
Koran - BS2-1
Self Improvement The Top 101 Experts - David Riklan - 2004 - BS2-1
Brilliant Memory Box - BS2-4🔝
Hacking Happiness - BS2-4
The Meditation Book & Card Pack - BS2-2
Drunkard's Walk:How Randomness Rules Our Lives - BS2-4
Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe BS2-4
Color Harmony BS2-4
Brain Candy: Science, Paradoxes, Puzzles, Logic and Illogic to Nourish your Neurons - BS2-4
Seven Years With Banksy - BS2-4
Beyond Workplace 2000 - BS2-5
Working with Words: A handbook for media writers and editors BS2-0
Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun - BS2-0🔝
Psychology Squared BS2-1🔝
Nudge - Thaler - BS2-1 r3.9
Decisive: How to make better choices in life and in work - BS2-1 r4.6 * 495 🔝
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader - John Maxwell - BS2-1 r4.7 * 317🔝
A Field Guide to Type 2 Diabetes - BS2-1
Tribe of Mentors - Tim Ferriss - BS2-3
The Nature of Happiness - Desmond Morris - BS2-1
Modern Database Management - BS2-4 r3.3 * 5
How to Read a Client from Across the Room - BS2-0 r4.3 * 25 - 2013
Awakening Mystical Consciousness - Desk - strand - 1/13/19 - BS2-3 - Joel Goldsmith - Mindfulness - r5.0🔝
Extraordinary Groups - How Ordinary Teams Achieve Amazing Results - BS2-3 Management - 2009 - r4.2
Game Theory - a very short introduction - unique - 1/10/19 - BS2-1 - Ken Binmore - Game Theory - 2007 - r2.9
Inside Drucker's Brain - Jeffrey Krames - 2008 - Business - r4.7 - BS2-3
Running with Mindfulness - BS2-0
Effective Work Breakdown Structures - BS2-0 r4.3
Cascading Style Sheets - BS2-0🔝
How to Succeed in Business Without Working so Damn Hard - BS2-0 r3.8 * 6
Software Engineer Learns HTML5 Javascript & jQuery -🔝 BS2-0 r4.3*189
Queen of Clean Conquers Clutter - BS2-0 (a)
One Month to Live - BS2-0 🔝 (a)
How We Decide - BS2-0🔝 (a)
May Cause Miracles - BS2-0 (a)
How to make your money last - BS2-0 (a)
The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management BS2-0 (a)
Scaling up Excellence - BS2-0 (a)
The Guide to Eating Healthy - BS2-0 (a)
Worst-case Scenario Survival Handbook, The - BS2-1 (a)
P53 The Gene that cracked the cancer code BS2-3 (a)
Fortitude - Dan Crenshaw - politics BS2-2 r4.8 (a)
Joomla 1.6 - A User's Guide BS2-2 (a)
Cyber Rules - BS2-2 r3.8 (a)
Live Fearless BS2-2 r4.8 * 2500 (a)
Escape to a small town BS2-2 r4.3 (a)