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Books I own (50 of 1762)

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This list is to help organize my books (note: local pdfs' right click - copy link - Ctrl+L Ctrl+V)

Boxes to clean up which don't exist Box01, Box02, Box03, Box08, BS3-0

Title - location - bought from - bought date - author - category - year written - amazon rating

N Ways to .. | Advertising | Brain | Branding |Business | Creativity |Diabetes | Diet | Dogs | Declutter | Desk | Dummies | Excel | Exercise | Finance | Fool | Grammar | Happiness | Head*first | Health |  Hockey | How to | Hypnosis | I Read | Idea | Idiot | Job | Leadership | Magic |Managing | Marketing | Memory | Million | Mindfulness | $ | Nice Layout  | Osteoporosis | Patent | Presentations | Persuasion/Influence |  Negotiation | To Read | Happiness |  Options | Public Speaking | Productivity | retire | Sales | Secret | Publicity | Religion | Security | Self-Help | Survival | Power | Risk | Sales | Science | Small | Stock Market | Statistics | Success | Survival | Testing | Web | Top | Writing
By Author: Scott Adams | Tim Ferriss | Seth Godin | Sam Harris | Daniel Pink | Tony Robbins | Dale Carnegie | Deming | Stefan Molyneux | Jeff Gitomer | Malcolm Gladwell | Doug Hall | Douglas Hofstadter | Guy Kawasaki
By Location: Library | Amazon | BS1 | BS2 | BS3 | Box01 | Box02 | Box03 | Box04 | Box05 | Box06 | Box07 | Box08 | Box-Job-Search | Box-Excel | desk | Kindle | pdf | Local file | Box062520 | Box062520B | Box062620 | Box062720 | Box063020 | Box070420 | Box070520
By Year:  1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s | 2020s
By Rating 3.0 - 3.9 | 4.0 | 4.1 |4.2 | 4.3 |4.4 |4.5 |4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 5.0 | Unrated
Statistics: Box counts | Category Counts | Category %
Persuasive Presentations - BS2-2 - r4.5 * 98🔝
Power of Influence - Tom Lambert
Little Green Book of Getting Your Way - Gitomer - BS1-1
Succeed and Grow Rich through Persuasion - Napolean Hill - BS1-1
More Words that Sell - BS1-3
Mindless Eating - BS1-3
What to Say to Get What you Want - BS1-4
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big - Scott Adams - BS2-3 (142) desk
Neuromarketing - BS2-3
Persuasion: The Art of Influencing People - BS2-3🔝
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - BS2-3
Power of Influence - BS2-4
48 Laws of Power - BS3-1🔝
Words that Work
Persuasion Slide - Kindle - 2016
Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense for Business Success
Elements of Influence, the - BS3-4
21waystopersuade (1) - LPDF
21waystopersuade - LPDF
Artful Persuasion How to Command Attention, Change Minds, and Influence People Harry Mills - LPDF
Blair Warren The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual (1) - LPDF
Brainfluence 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing - LPDF
hidden persuaders article - LPDF
Hogan Kevin Hypnosis, Nlp, Persuasion And More 415Pages - LPDF
How To Persuade People Who Don t Want To Be Persuaded Get What You Wanr Every Time Joel Bauer - LPDF
Joseph R Plazo PhD of Persuasion - LPDF
Pages from Hidden Persuaders - LPDF
principles of persuasion - LPDF
Propaganda Persuasion Deception - LPDF
THE POWER OF PERSUASION How We're Bought and Sold Robert Levine - LPDF
The Psychology Of Persuasion How To Persuade Others To Your Way Of Thinking Kevin Hogan - LPDF
Blair Warren The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion Lesson Manual - LPDF
NLP - BS2-1 (desk)
Power and Influence: Beyond Formal Authority- BS2-5 (desk)
Impossible to Ignore - Safari
Getting More - Stuart Diamond - PDF Summary Link
Boundless Communications
How to be Irresistible Through the Power of Persuasion - John Downes - Box062720 - 1982
How to Say it at Work - Box-Job-search🔝
You can Read Anyone - BS3-0 - 2007
Yes, 50 scientifically proven ways to be persuasive (pdf)
Thank you for Arguing Box063020
Nudge - Thaler - BS2-1 r3.9
Win Bigly - Scott Adams - Desk r4.5 - BS1-0
Elements of Influence - Terry Bacon - Box070420 - r4.6 * 5 - 2012
7 Secrets of Persuasion - Crimins - BS1-0
pb,persuasive emails, tweets, youtube titles
Power Principle - BS3-3🔝 r4.6 (a)
Verbal Judo: the gentle art of persuasion - Box061521 (a)