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Sprint: How to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days - Library - Box04

Notes from Book
1.Clean a week on calendar
2.Focus on one question
3.Have demo scheduled on Friday
4.Map of risks
5.Mon. - Problem + Map out - Where to focus
6.Tue. - Solutions
7.Wed. - Look at solutions and pick one
8.Thu: - Build Prototype
9.Fri: Test
11.SAE - Start at the End
12.Long term goal agreement
13.Map of challenge
14.afternoon ask experts
15.Pick a target
17.manageable piece solvable in 1 week
18.Focus on right problem
19.Share what you know
20.Don't wast time on wrong part of problem
21.Sort priorities before solutions
22.Monday- Sprint planning
23.Start at the end exercise
25.Look ahead
26.end of week and beyond
27.What Qs wud be answered at end of week
28.6 Months ahead
29.1 year ahead
30.What's improved about your biz as a result of this proj
31.Where to be 6mo, 1 year or 5 yrs from now
32.30 secs - 30 mins
34.principles & aspirations
35.Write Long Term Goal on top of whiteboard
36.1 yr. what caused project to fail?
37.What caused it to fail?
38.How did goal go wrong
39.What Qs to answer in this sprint
40.To meet long term goals what has 2 be true
41.Imagine future where project failed, what caused it?
42.Chapter 5 Map
43.Don't capture every detail and nuance
44.Map should be simple
45.Include major steps for cust 2 move from beginning to completion
46.Customer centric
47.3.1 Key actors on left
48.LTG - Long Term Goal
49.3) Map - should be simple
50.Draw Monday morning
51.2 - sprint questions
52.3.2 write ending on right
53.3.3 words & arrows between
54.3.4 Kiss 5 - 1 step > 20 too completed structure of the problem but not solution
55.3.5 Ask does this look right
56.1st draft of map in 30 - 60 mins
57.Ch. 6 Ask the Experts (Mon Afternoon)
58.1 at a time interview w/ Experts
59.Nobody knows everything
60.Get 1 expert who can talk about
61.Strategy - Decider
62.What will make this project a success
63.What's our unique advantage or opportunity?
64.What's the biggest risk?
65.Voice of the Customer
66.Who talks to the cust > than anyone else
67.Who can explain world from cust perpective sales or cust support
68.How things work experts
69.Who understands mechanics of pos
70.$ expert expert expert
73.Previous Efforts
74.Are there previous attempts
75.Unfinished idea
76.Failed idea
77.Ask the experts
78.30 Mins.
79.Introduct Sprint
80.Review Whiteboards
81.2 minutes LTG, Sprint Qs, Map
82.Tell me everything you know about challenge at hand
83.Ask Qs
84.Tell me I got wrong
85.anything on map incomplete?
86.Any Sprint Qs to add?
87.Table of Contents